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Trial to be Heard In Case at NLRB

The NLRB has issued a complaint against a Building Employer in Far Rockaway that has a contract with Local 621. The Union has been fighting on behalf of employees at the building for almost 10 years. Recently the Buildings Co Op Board and Shareholders have stepped up their attack against the Employees.

In the Spring last year, the Union on behalf of two employees negotiated a settlement of charges at a scheduled arbitration. The settlement included one employee going back to work and receiving back pay, and another forgoing returning to work for a back pay settlement.

In December of last year, the building violated federal labor law by terminating the super of the building because of his membership in and activities on behalf of the Union. This case is scheduled to be heard April 24, 2012 in front of a administrative law judge at the NLRB located in Brooklyn.

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