Please review the Information Flyers by pressing the Flyers. Our Movement is about "Employees for Employees". It is critical that everyone spread the word. Our success is dependent on sticking together. We have finished one agreement and are currently in negotiations on two others.
MegaBus Chicago has voiced that they want change and change is to Local 322 United Workers of America

Chicago UWA Representatives

Jeffrey Maxey
Megabus - 2009
Illinois School Bus 3 Years
Real Estate Broker 14 Years
US Postal Service 8 Years
US Army 4 Years
US Marine Corps 8 Years
Fighting for whats Right UWA all the Way!!

Dymphna Redmon - My Name is Dymphna Redmon and I am a Megabus Driver since April 2014. Before then I worked at Namaste Laboratory for 7 years. At Namaste I worked various positions at Namaste. Namaste was going to lay us off with no severance until I instituted an action against them for a violation of the WARN act. Needless to say we received severance. I have studied Criminal and Business Law as well as Sociology and Phycology at St. Xavier University in Oak Lawn, Illinois. All I want is respect and a decent wage and fairness for all Drivers of Megabus. I believe we can do this together through United Workers of America.